So... Paul went skiing halfway through March, and he ended up falling and breaking his arm. He was out of school for 2 weeks, and I helped out and got him out of the house for a few days.
His arm is in a soft cast because his humerus is broken.. the upper part. And to put it in a hard cast would mean casting it all around his back, and they just dont do that anymore. But he's pretty find in a soft cast.. I never see him complain. He didn't even cry when he broke it.. just kept skiing and occasionally pointing to his arm and "ee-ing".

Day 1: Monday 28th
I had Paul from 10am-2pm, and that was EXTRA early for me. He was in a good mood though and we took the bus down to the beach for a walk. We made a pitstop at Toni's to take Cuca for a walk... and it was so cute.

Paul's walked Heidi's dog, Maggie, before.. but Maggie is so big and she just pulls Paul around. Cuca is small so it was a lot different... Paul would stop to touch a motorbike, Cuca would stop to smell something... it made me think that Paul could have a dog!
We made our way to the beach and it was so beautiful out and we enjoyed the sun and sand and had a little rest to watch the waves.

But poor Paul can't go swimming for 2 months while his arm heals...
Day 2: Tuesday 29th
Today I had Paul from 2pm-6pm, and since Toni had a soccer game at 5 we made our way over there. Paul has practically no attension span.. so I didn't know how he would do. But he was so cute and laughed a lot and watched the game... in his own way.

Day 3: Thursday 31st
Today was hilarious. I had Paul from 10am-2pm again.. and we went down to Plaça Catalunya and I TRIED to walk down La Rambla but Paul had his own ideas... he dragged me a different way and on towards the Cathedral. We had a cheese sandwich outside at 11... and then he practically ran into the church.

I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it for myself... but we were in there for an hour. AN HOUR. He would find a bench... sit for a while... tap on it... and then get up and walk around and explore something else... and just when I thought it was time to go... he would find a different bench and sit down. I couldn't get him to leave. And he was so good... he had random outburts and I would tell him to be quiet or we had to leave, and he kept pointing to the bench because he wanted to stay. I tried to get him to leave by walking out to see the geese...

But after he saw them (aka paid them no attention) he went right back and found a spot on a different bench. I was so bored... I stared at every detail of the stained glass and the organ... but an hour in the Cathedral is enough for anyone. We saw so many tour groups come in and out... and he kept wanting to sit close to them. Maybe he was listening...
Finally after over 50 minutes he got the giggles and the... the "shouts". He was the opposite of quiet and I kept warning him and threatened to leave and even got up and tried to walk out... telling him that we've in a church and people are praying and we have to be quiet! But he just yelled louder and pointed to the bench. I asked him if he wanted to see Toni... and he said "TuhTuh" and pointed to the bench.... Sorry buddy, Toni wasn't coming to sit with us.
I didn't know how I was going to get him out... so I put on my really excited voice and told him Toni was waiting for us at his school (which was half true) and he finally got up and I directed him to the door so he didn't run to another bench.
Oh Paul.... some days he really surprises me.