I've been living in my flat for 3 weeks... and I love it. Everyone is great and so much fun...
Here's a list of the different costumes I saw:
Toni's been gone in England so we skype all the time.

I miss him... and it's really hard not having him around to help me with everything.. but I realized that he is my crutch and I use him instead of doing things on my own... so everything from grocery shopping to openeing a bank account has been stressful, but I did it alone and I'm proud of myself. :D And I still spend time with his family... even though he's not here ;)
I went to a bar with his brother one night and you got to pour your own drinks!!!! And it wasn't expensive.. and I walked there from my house.. AND they gave free popcorn... haha

My girl Meredith from ECU came in the beginning of the month with 2 of her friends. They're studying in Santander for a semester and I got to play tour guide for a day!

We had a party at my house that night and we went to a disco called BIKINI... it was pretty fun. Toni's brother, Joan Ignasi, came and we all had fun dancing on stage with a fat old guy who knew every dance move in history. 

My flat seems to have parties every weekend... but I'm not complaining! It's so much fun.. there's people from all over the world... Poland, Sweden, Ukraine, South Korea, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Brazil, and some Spaniards mixed in here and there. 

I've been meeting so many differnet people and having a lot of fun. I love my flat and my flatmates!
Last weekend we had a huuuge party... I invited all my Spanish friends and the Americans I met on the bus in early September. There were sooo many people.. like 60 people... that's a lot for a flat! But it was the BEST time... the Americans and my Spanish friends went to club called Rivellinos for the night and had an amazing time. 

Today, at this very moment... I'm sitting in the library at Southampton University in the South of England... and it's freezing outside. It's freezing inside too...
Toni came home (to BCN) Monday to visit and do some things at his Uni, and yesterday (Wednesday) we flew together here.
Last night we went and saw his waterpolo club team play against some other team... and after we all went out. On campus. There's a bar on campus. And a club on campus... in the student center. And it wasn't lame....
Here people are crazy. There's many social clubs... and they all have these interesting theme parties where they all wear costumes and go out together. I'm pissed I didn't bring my camera last night because it was sooo weird for me... especially since it was on a Wednesday.

-Na'vi (from Avatar)... and I don't mean blue clothes... I'm talking about full body paint and ears and very detailed makeup and hair and everything....
-Pirates... who were very loud and drunk... and we were walking and a girl yelled PIRATES! And it was so hard not to yell AARRGGHHH!
-Cowboys & Indians
-Gangters... all wearing NY paraphanalia and chains and fake guns
And it was a FOAM party... so everyone was soaking wet and covered in foam... we stayed out of it... it was 0 degrees Celcius when we left the house around 9... I did NOT want to walk home at 1am soaking wet...
And then there were the waterpolo guys... They all wore their speedos as underwear (which I think is gross)... and when they got drunk enough they all stripped down and ran through the foam and basically showed off their waterpolo bodies.
The waterpolo players all hang out together.. when they go out they wear their red social shirts and the boys hand out with the girls and it's pretty cool... I met some nice people.
AHH!! And they had beer pong tables set up and Toni was so amazed because he has only seen it on American Pie. I showed him how to play and he wasn't bad haha
So we had a fun night... I slept all day while Toni went to class and now I'm here... in the library. Tonight we will go shopping and I'm making my famous lemon chicken (which he is terrified of... not because of the lemon... or the chicken... but because I'm cooking)... and we are going to a bar to see one of his friends perform with their band.
But for now I'm stuck in the library for another hour........
ahh i miss you so much
ReplyDeleteim glad your having a great time!
you seem to be learning so much and your already a powerful and amazing person as it is so im sure when you get home you will be even more powerful and amazing than you are now! Everyone over there is so lucky to have met you and for those who havent yet, so lucky to be meeting you soon!
You enjoy yourself all you can
just know i miss you tons <3