Ok this is rediculous!!! When i got back from London, of course my laptop didn't work and I haven't blogged at ALL....
Had a great time in London with the Onbargis, Alexia came and I met their cousins that I've never met before but heard so much about. Toni joined us Friday night when I took the kids around while the parents went to their grownup wedding... and we crashed the wedding with Chloe and her cousin :)

Heidi left on the 17th for England-France so I've been off. I had a huge party in my flat on the 18th because all the Americans left on the 22nd and Erik moved out on the 20th... Toni was supposed to fly in but of course his flight out of London got cancelled because of the snow... but the party had to go on.

I made gingerbread men and cupcakes and eggnog with some American girls and Toni's sister... they turned out so cute. & the party was amazing.. so many people... but I was too depressed to enjoy it and I cleaned all night haha.

Angela's friend Andres arrived the night of the party and she was a good tour guide until she had to work... so since I didn't have anything else to do I took Andres around. He says I should do it for a living... I should think about it.

Matthew and Jacqueline moved in with us on the 20th and were supposed to leave the 22nd for Dublin but they didn't get on their flight because Ryanair was going to charge them 180€ for their luggage being overweight... and since they missed that flight they missed their flight to London. So we kept them here and we spent the day in Sitges.

I had some nice dinner parties with some old friends and some new; great food and great conversation...

Toni finally came the 23rd right at midnight and in time to tell me Happy Birthday.
Toni and I had a really nice lunch with Paul and Alexia at their house and Paul cracked us up the whole time trying to steal chocolate and eat all the cheese.
Toni bought me the dress I wanted and we had a nice party at my house and exchanged Secret Santa gifts!

And of course went out for chupitos, because it's my favorite :)

For Christmas we had a huge dinner with Toni's family and we were sooo full.. it was like a marathon. And they stuck candles on their cake to celebrate my birthday :)

The Barcelona World Race started on the 31st so on the 30th we went and checked out all the boats (15) and got all the free thingst they pass out, and on the 31st we went to see the start of the race.

We had another nice, small party on New Years, but before that we had ANOTHER huge dinner at Toni's and at midnight we had to eat 12 grapes at every dong of the clock.... it gives you good luck for the year :)

Ohh... and Matthew and Jacqueline still hadn't left yet... Jacqueline had 2 cancelled flights on the 26th and 28th... and then she missed her flight on the 2nd... she FINALLY left on the 3rd haha... you tell people they can stay for 2 days and they end up staying for 2 weeks!!! haha but we had a lot of fun with her and Matthew...

Aaaaaaand Matthew's still here and he's being a diva and making me go shopping with him... so I'll have to finish later :)
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