March was full of a lot of fun little experiences....
On the 19th Toni and I went for a hike (kinda) and up to the huge tower thing by Tibidabo to see the view. So nicee....

Later that night we were in the Born district looking for a gift for his dad because it was father's day, and his dad's saint day. We stumbled upon a foc thing.... i don't really know what it's called. But it's really fun to watch...
FOC means FIRE... and it's so funny to hear people say it
This video is right at the beginning of the (for lack of a better word) performance. It's not so exciting with the fire-crackers/sparklers, but you can hear the drums really well...
Then the people, who are dressed like devils, basically run around and dance with these long sticks that have sparklers on the end... they spin around really fast and it creates really nice visuals...
The BEST part of the performance was when one of the firework things fell off the poll.... we saw it race across the street, hit the wall we were sitting at, and then get stuck right under our feet. We were sitting on a bench that was slanted funny, so when Toni picked his feet up too quick, he fell backwards into the crowd and onto his back... poor thing... but a great laugh.
On Wednesday the 23rd it was MY Saint Day :D Toni took me out to dinner at La Mamma and we had some really good pizza and an amazing sangria that was orange and made from cava instead of wine.... such a nice night out... he's such a good boyfriend :)
And on Friday the 26th I found a new BAGEL place!!!! It was soooo good! And Toni and Tiago finally got to try their first bagel.... for a long time Toni thought it was a donut... bagels are really hard to explain to people who don't know what they are. The virgins loved them.

The last exciting thing from March was that a friend of Jacqueline's from Boston came here for a long weekend with family friends and I showed them around! Jen and Justin were here to celebrate Justin's mom's birthday, and on Thursday I took them around La Rambla, BoDeB, Santa Maria, Cathedral and some more... we walked 5 miles. Dying.
They were staying in an AMAZING flat called Casa Serra. It was incredible... Toni & I were invited to the party on Friday night (25th) and we had a lot of fun with the kids and the family. Here's a little glimpse of the apartment:

And on their last night in Barcelona we went to have dinner and drinks with them and we bumbed into EL GAT!

It was to be around some Americans, and Toni & I are going to visit them in Boston this summer!
So that is the end of March.... and April is already looking so busy!
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