YAY! WOKE UP FEELING BETTERRR! Jumped out of bed and ran to Mari and did a little "healthy" dance =)
I hopped on the metro and went to La Rambla... I HAD to find a nice new purse! I walked down the first street on the left... went into all the stores I saw... and there it was. In a small store with bags, jewelry, scarves... MY PURSE!!! It's perfect. Brown, leather... pockets... 15 Euros... I love it.

Well that took 20 minutes... It was only 11:45 and I had the rest of the day (until I had to pick up Paul at 5) to walk around and shop, explore, eat... whatever. So I had some horchata :D

Bought a dress... new red sunglasses... and finally woke Toni up a little after 1 and forced him to come have lunch with me (he said he's like my slave...).
While I waited for the still drunk and dirty Spaniard to get ready I walked around La Boqueria and around La Rambla.... I had a nice (short) conversation in Spanish with a man about scallops... I'm learning more and more every daaayy!!!
These are my favorite pictures from the day...

Starving... I met up with cranky Toni and we walked around until we found one of his favorite Mexican restaurants... which I don't know the name of... but it was nicely decorated.

Mojitos - 3.50E; Nachos & Chicken Fajita & Dessert - less than 10E... Feeling like you're in Mexico - Priceless
I was talking about what I would do with Paul tomorrow since I'm in charge... Toni said "Charge? Like the battery of the mobile?" hahahaahahahaha
ALSO! TOMORROW! 9/11... a bad day for Americans; and a bad day for Catalunyans. In Spain tomorrow is the celebration of the day that Spain defeated Barcelona in Catalunya's fight for independence in "the 80's"... I thought... damn that's recent... but no... "In the 1000, 800's". Oooh. Now that makes more sense. And WHY do you celebrate your defeat to Spain?!?!?!? "Well we celebrate the people who died for Catalunya"... ok that makes more sense as well.

Ok... I wikied it. The "Siege of Barcelona" ended in 1714. So much for my great geographer who knows everything.
I learned all about Rafael Casanova, who gets flowers placed on his grave tomorrow. Too much to write about him... but he was important.

I picked up Paul and we went for a nice long walk to Turo Parc... hung out for a while... and walked home. I don't really like going to parks because Paul is pretty big... and when it's crowded (like today) he looks like a giant surrounded by all the small 2-4 year olds. But it's good to be out of the house.
We had an early dinner and now Paul is driving me crazy with his EEEEE-ing. I could put him to bed if I wanted.. but since I'm in CHARGE tomorrow I'll let him stay up a little late. Plus... he keeps telling me he doesn't want to go to bed. Soon, though!
And Happy Eid to all my Muslims!!!
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