MONDAY! Happy Labor Day to all my Americans... here in Barcelona kids didn't have school either... but not for the holiday. Anyways, I was with Paul all morning at the pooool! We left at 9am and got to the CNB around 10ish... he was literally in and out of the indoor & outdoor pool until 130 when I MADE him get out to eat lunch.

He was sooo happy in the pool. They just spent a week in France and there's no pool there... and he acted as if he hadn't been in a pool in years. He even made a few little friends who kept trying to ask me questions about him but we didn't really understand each other.

He did laps in the indoor pool... and it's so cute watching him backstroke a few meters, then dive under with his feet out of the water.

He even tried to join the water aerobics class... which is nothing but wrinkly, terribly old people.

I got to read my book and dangled my feet in the water... & outside was nice because I got to lay out in the sun and improve my tan. I only had to get up a few times and tell him to leave the water pumper alone because he was spraying everyone. And I think an old lady had a problem with Paul... the lifeguard came and spoke with me but he didn't speak any English... he asked if I came alone and I said no with the special boy... and he immediately apologized and went and said something to an old, fat, grumpy lady and that was the end of that. When I told the story to Toni he said "Well of course; Paul doesn't look special... he just looks like a normal boy who acts a little mad".. and that makes sense. People hardly ever realize at first that Paul is special.
He was an angel all day until I forced him to get out of the pool... we had to be home at a certain time though and he needed to eat something and hang out and get all his pee out before getting on the bus. So he was pissed at me but we went to the beach where he whined and whined and whined while he ate his sandwich... then he swam for a little bit before it was time to go and he had a temper tantrum in the water and I dragged him out by his foot and laughed and laughed and it made him laugh too... he's so naughty. I bribed him with chocolate, he wouldn't get out. Told him Mari was waiting at home for him... nothing. But he got out right away with the bribe of seeing Toni, who was in the gym.
And of course upon seeing Toni... he stared in the other direction and didn't pay him any mind.
We got home and chilled for a little until 4... then it was time for a HAIRCUUUUT! One of the most dreaded things on this Earth... you would think he was walking to a torture chamber or something... the whole time he is just shaking his head no... then when the haircut starts... it's a disaster. It took 30 minutes... 10 minutes of OK behavior... 10 minutes of HORRIBLE screaming and crying and laying on the floor and just all out pissed off-ness... and then 10 minutes of really good behavior. And the haircut looked so good... he needed it.
Around 7 Toni picked me up because I wanted to swim at the beach... so we went back to the CNB and went down to the water... but the sun was disappearing and it had become quite windy... so we waded for maybe 20 minutes with goosebumps before heading back inside. I know he didn't want to swim at the beach... because he NEVER wants to (he thinks its dirty), but it was nice of him to have taken me... even if it was too cold.

We had sushi for dinner at Ginza because I have been craving these flat noodles... which I have to describe as plane pasta to Toni... since plane means flat. They're actually made out of rice.. and they'r soo good... and the sushi at this place is really good too. We like it because you get to pick 3 plates for 10 euros... so we share sushi and dumplings and tempura vegetables... it's a nice restaurant.
I got home late.... and it was raining... and I tried to be really careful walking down the stairs... but of course I slipped on the last one and broke my blackberry... so no BBM for a while. Poor of me.
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