Ahh the weekend is almost over! Time for a recap...

Friday I hung out with Toni and his family. It was La Merce... and since his mom's name is Merce... it was her Saint's day, which means she celebrates and gets presents (of course I looked up MY saint's day... it's March 23rd). We went out to eat at El Barkito which is literally around the corner from them... we had octopus, shrimp, squid, mussels... and I had swordfish. It was a lot of fun and the food was amazing. His parents were very sweet to include me.

Later that evening Toni & I went to Sitges to walk around and relax... we had some frozen yogurt at the place I go to every time I go to Sitges (wow 3 whole times).. so good. Walked in and out of shops and laughed at all the crazy little things...

Then I spotted a tea shop... and I just love tea shops... I love smelling the different kinds and looking at all the tea contraptions.... we bought some delicious peach & vanilla tea that Toni picked out... but if I could read spanish I could have picked it out too.

We hung out by the church and enjoyed the sea wind (that his mom warned us about) before heading back to Barcelona.
Saturday was spent PACKING Toni's bag for his study abroad and running around and doing his errands... when all was done we went to La Rambla and caught a little of the celebrations of La Merce.... the drum corps (which is just a bunch of weird people).
But it was really cool... we saw maybe 20 different groups stroll by all playing different beats.
Mago de Oz is a rock & roll/hippie/renaissance band that isn't extremely popular but has a very loyal fan base. Alexia is in love (maybe obsessed) with them and she had been dyyying to go to a concert... so I joined her and her 2 friends for the night.

It was pretty intense. I recognized a few songs but the rest I didn't know... I think the best part was watching Lexi jump up and down and be completely happy in the presence of this band. She even touched the lead singer at the end...

After the concert I went to our favorite bar with Toni, Juan, Alex, Joan Ignasi, Mireia & Carlos.. a nice little goodbye drink for Toni.
But we didn't stay long since we had to get up at 730 to get ready to head to the airport.
I tagged along with him and his parents all the way to the Girona airport (45 mins away) to see Toni off to England. He will be spending 4 months at the University of Southampton. I'll miss him! But I'm excited to have a reason to go to England!
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