Friday was pretty chill until the evening... went out and had a beer with Toni, Raffa & his girlfriend, and JUAN! Who didn't know I was back in Barcelona yet =) So it was nice to surprise him.
I actually don't drink beer... I drink claras... it's half beer and half lemon stuff... Here... this is EXACTLY what mine looked like last night:

We all hung out and I tried to keep up with the Spanish... but it was no use. Juan & Toni had to explain everything in English... including the "funny" story about an old lady drowning that was a lot less funny once explained in English.
Saturday was much more eventful... Toni took me to the CNB (pool club) around 1ish and we went to the gym for a while and then I laid out in the sun while he swam inside. I'm getting to be too black. And I think my English is getting worse.

I love the CNB. It's where Paul and I spent most of our time... and it's where I met Toni! Luckily my pass still works so I hope to go a lot this month... workout... swim... "take sun".

Then we went to his house for some homemade paella... with mushrooms and peppers.. and some kind of meat. I said no thank you to the meat.. but his dad insisted on piling it on.. and he kept dumping more and more rice onto my plate after I said it was enough... he wants to make me fat. It was really good though... and I asked Toni what the meat was... and he said... "Have you ever ate rabbit?" I said no... and the meat went back into the paella pan.
But it was a good meal... we ate a lot and laughed about our future plans of marrying a rich old person and praying they die before we have to consummate the marriage. We are quite mean... then we will go on a vacation... that will never end.
So I was saying something about how I wanted to tan topless on the beach in front of the old men... and Toni said "Do you not realize this is a gay beach?" and yes.. I had forgotten... and he goes on... "I like gays, but I hate lesbians"... I said WHAT? That's so backwards... in the states guys usually love lesbians and hate gays... and he explains... "Gays leave more women in the world... and lesbians take the women... and they think they're more man than me" hahahaha.. it's sad that he makes sense.
Also - there's 2 types of gays in Barcelona (or maybe all of Spain?)... there' gays and there's homosexuals... and there IS a difference. One is referring to rich, posh gay people and one is referring to everyone else. I think the homosexuals are the posh ones... I need to ask.
But homosexuality is very accepted in Spain and marriage has been legalized for a long time. It's a lot more liberal out here.
Aaannddd UGA played today!!! They killed LSU-L 55-7... I wore my UGA beater to the gym for good luck. I asked my mom if my cousin, Aron, scored... she said no.... "He got a... Scott what did he get?? O yea, a penalty. He was offsides... he went too quick." Ehh o well. Justin got a sweeet pic of him though.

Wish I coulda been there.
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