Well... it was a nice surprise to be woken up at 5:45am by a very cuddly boy who was desperate to go on an airplane. And since I don't have my own keys we had to wait for Alexia to wake up at 7am to open the kitchen and have breakfast.
1st day of schoool!!! When everyone left I went back to bed for a few hours... woke up.. organized my clothes... and met Toni at La Rambla to go to the gym. I'm so used to going to the gym with someone.... but working out with them once I get there. I MISS MY GYM PARTNER/BIG BROTHER/PERSON WHO KNOWS ALL MY SECRETS: NATHANIAL DANIELLL!

We lost a lot of weight together... and had a lot of good talks... I miss my Danny & sweet Maria... and of course Reina and Lucy and Nate!!!
But even though Toni isn't my gym partner... I get a lot done. And actually I got him to do abs with me today and we threw around some heavy balls that almost knocked me off my feet... and we did some laps in the pool before retiring for the day. My body is sore.
When I got home I wanted to take Paul out but he was content at home... Actually he was in a hilarious mood and was very mischievous but veryyy cute.
Leila says he sounds like a baby dinosaur =)
Toni and I had a really interesting conversation about pregnancy.... ITS NOT WHAT YOU THINK! I asked him if girls were pregnant in his high school.. and he said no, that in fact he only knows 1 girl who has a baby.. and abortion just became legal in Spain like this year or last year. I thought that was crazy and asked him if there's a lot of rapes that occur, because I think one reason for legal abortions is for women who have been raped... and he said no - it doesn't happen a lot. Hmm.... in America it seems to happen all the time... and we have shows like 'Teen Mom' on MTV that glamorize teen pregnancies (yes I realize they show a lot of hard times... but it shows teens that they can make it as parents if they wanted).

I know toooo many girls who have babies. HELLO! One of my best friend has twins! And I won't even get IN to that struggle... It seems like everyone has a baby... or is pregnant.. or has been pregnant. I'm happy I'm not in any of those categories... As much as I love Shauna and her babies... I don't know how she does it and I can't see myself doing it either.

*Leila says that not all of this information is true... but this was our conversation so I'll just keep my thoughts about it all here*
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