Another night with 3 hours of sleep... but last night was so funnnn, and totally worth it. I have the rest of my life to sleep!
Last night Paul's Abuelita and great aunt came over for dinner... and when they left at 11 I was ready for a nap! Usually the "Spanish way of life" means you don't leave your house until after 1am to go to a bar... so I THOUGHT I would get a little nap before going out. Then Juan told me he would be coming to get me in 15 minutes.... WTF... as if I had showered or started to get ready at ALL... fuckin Toni Ros GAY thought I was taking a nap so he didn't want to wake me up and inform me of the early departure... because it's not important or anything....
But thank goodness I'm not a girly girl and I got ready super quick and we left Barcelona and went to Sant Cugat where a friend lives, Santi. We had to be quiet though because Santi's mom was sleeping lol... but we drank BODKA (vodka) with zumo de naranja for a few hours before going to the poshhh club. It was actually a nice time... One guy, Carlos, had just returned from a summer in Dubai doing an engineering internship and I basically talked to him all night about everything Dubai. And scuba diving.

I learned some new Spanish during my ride to the club... bad words. It's all Juan's fault (everything is always Juan's fault). They made me yell at Malo and call him a peanut... hmm... but this is the club. So prettyy.. the colors actually changed.
There were 3 different areas... the main room that played Spanish music and American music, the outside which played techno... and another room that we didn't really go into but I met a really nice gay guy there.
Like most of the time, I was the only girl. I had many bodyguards.

A very fun night... got home around 6 and was up at 9! YAY ME!
Paul and I hung out and then went for a walk around the area... there's a few "parks" around us... but I don't really like Barcelona's idea of a "PARC". Yea, there's some trees and a slide for kids... but there's no grass... I think it looks quite disgusting.

It looks dirty... and it feels dirty. And Paul likes it for the first 5 minutes and then he's done... but we walked and explored and I took pictures of different graffiti

Had a quick lunch and spent the rest of the afternoon at the pool. The bus ride home was soo crowded... it was insane. We are the 1st stop and we couldn't even get a seat. I actually ended up standing next to some American girls who were studying here this semester. We talked for a while about boys, different cities in Spain, New York... and then Paul got SUPER jealous and started screaming and whining and crying and kept telling me to talk to HIM! So I would tell him what we were doing for the rest of the night.. and continue my convo with my new friend.. and he would be right back at it screaming and crying. He's so jealous. It made me feel a little good :)
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